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Mishpacha Readers
Mishpacha Readers
Mishpacha Readers
Mishpacha Readers
Mishpacha Readers
Dinner Hour
When it’s time to eat, the youngest ones eat first, followed by the older children, who drift to the table as the smells draw them in
Rochie Laufer
Dinner Hour
A meal both adults and kids alike will enjoy!
Rochie Laufer
In the Spirit
"I think we owe our teens to be comfortable with the 'L' word, to let them know that marriage is a full partnership, that there’s love and connection"   Crying for You [Inbox / Issue 895] I am not a person who becomes emotional very often. But after reading the first letter in Inbox last
Chaya Rosen
In the Spirit
Yom Tov trivia
Chaya Rosen
Food that Packs
"I think we owe our teens to be comfortable with the 'L' word, to let them know that marriage is a full partnership, that there’s love and connection"   Crying for You [Inbox / Issue 895] I am not a person who becomes emotional very often. But after reading the first letter in Inbox last
Rivky Kleiman
Food that Packs
"I think we owe our teens to be comfortable with the 'L' word, to let them know that marriage is a full partnership, that there’s love and connection"   Crying for You [Inbox / Issue 895] I am not a person who becomes emotional very often. But after reading the first letter in Inbox last
Rivky Kleiman
Last Licks
This recipe was originally published for Pesach, but I make it for all the Yamim Tovim!
Chanie Nayman
Last Licks
"I think we owe our teens to be comfortable with the 'L' word, to let them know that marriage is a full partnership, that there’s love and connection"   Crying for You [Inbox / Issue 895] I am not a person who becomes emotional very often. But after reading the first letter in Inbox last
Family Table Readers
No Food Left Behind
If you want to experiment with an intense flavor shakeup and impress both your guests and your palate, this recipe is for you!
Beth Warren
No Food Left Behind
Let’s not discount the sides to balance your macros out!
Beth Warren
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“I appreciate the serious approach Mishpacha has taken regarding the recent topic of abuse and molestation”

By Mishpacha Readers


“Once we understand that abuse is not only an aveirah, but retzichah, perhaps we can begin to comprehend the pain”

By Mishpacha Readers


“I have heard that some people are tired of the tech conversation. I say the tech conversation hasn’t even begun”

By Mishpacha Readers


“Those opening their mesivtas for struggling boys in the middle of our small communities will have a lot to account for after 120”

By Mishpacha Readers


“Her assertion that the Rambam’s method is ‘the only way to achieve’ a ‘beautiful, harmonious marriage’ is beyond arrogant”

By Mishpacha Readers


“I will tell you a reason why some women work so hard on their appearance. They feel it is a crucial component in ensuring the stability of their marriages”

By Mishpacha Readers