Latest heartbeats
Refoel Pride
The Soapbox
What advocacy couldn’t accomplish, parents achieved just by showing up
Rabbi Avi Schnall
The Soapbox
It’s now time for our community to work proactively to shape our public image
Avi Greenstein
Viral Growth
Two years later, those Covid-inspired kabbalos and resolutions are still keeping us going. Eight personal accounts
Esty Heller
Viral Growth
Two years later, those Covid-inspired kabbalos and resolutions are still keeping us going. Eight personal accounts
Eytan Kobre
At the Core
Our faith may be dimmed but it can always reignite
Baila Vorhand
At the Core
What distinguishes our chochmah from the wisdom of the Greeks?
Baila Vorhand
Wondering what to do with your leftover maror? Turn some of it into a zingy dipping sauce for these amazing rib steaks
Chavi Feldman
You’ll love this deliciously hearty soup that cooks all night in a Crock-Pot and satisfies all requirements for a complete meal — soft cubes of meat, hearty potatoes, and lots of vegetables
Naomi Nachman
The myth of two different peoples, both indigenous to the land, long competing for the same piece of territory, is just that: a myth
Rabbi Hillel Goldberg
Existentially, perhaps more than at any time in my life, I am taking our suffering into account
Rabbi Hillel Goldberg
More heartbeats

That timeless feel in the niggunim of the Twerski family is a reflection of their legacy – it’s the capacity for accessing ancient worlds of spirit while at the same time connecting to the needs of the newcomer       T   he shul succah. A tish. The Rebbe sits at the middle

By Refoel Pride