Latest Halachah
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
Rabbi Doniel Neustadt
The Lens
Their departure from the dining room took well over an hour
Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz
The Lens
While he has passed on to the Next World, the photo captures his otherworldly chein for posterity
Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz
Win or Lose
How wrong had he been. Mr. Greenbaum was anything but a silly old man. He was actually one of the most brilliant and wealthy people around
Chaim Finkelstein
Win or Lose
Yitzy was shocked. Why on earth would Mr. Greenbaum ask him such a silly question? Was this a joke?
Chaim Finkelstein
Theme Section: Open Secrets
So many of us carry secrets — some heavy, some light. Some that mean nothing, and some that change everything. Six writers tell stories of secrets kept, shared, and revealed
Family First Contributors
For the Record
A two-year campaign by the Axis powers to bring the war directly to Mandatory Palestine
Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer
The Moment
This year, Dr. Katz decided to focus on truly fulfilling the mitzvah of “v’ahavtem es hager — and you shall love the convert”
Shmuel Botnick and Yosef Herz
What a Year Can Do
As a new year dawns, what did we learn — and how have we changed?
Dean Robert Goldschmidt
What a Year Can Do
As a new year dawns, what did we learn — and how have we changed?
Adrian Garbacz
More Halachah

“It’s not necessary nor recommended to make a special Krias HaTorah for women to hear parshas Zachor”

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt


Bring blessing into your life — and into your food

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt


Can I sort, set, or separate it? Breaking down the laws of borer

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt


Halachah guides you through the darkest of moments

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt


Halachos of Chanukah lighting

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt


Yichud is forbidden min haTorah, and it applies to both married and single men and women

By Rabbi Doniel Neustadt