Center Stage
I think my exact reaction was, “Um… but I know absolutely nothing about making a movie!”
Gila Arnold
Center Stage
“What, one of those frummie, all-women films?” she smirked. “Nah, I never go to those. The caliber is not the highest, if you know what I mean”
Gila Arnold
Washington Wrap
With 2024 race beginning, these issues will dominate
Omri Nahmias
Washington Wrap
How quickly will US allies forget American snooping? 
Omri Nahmias
Gourmet Vs. Everyday
This makes a great light, fun supper that the kids can eat quickly before running off to play
Chaya Suri Leitner and Sara Gold
Gourmet Vs. Everyday
This dish is so filling and extremely flavorful with minimal ingredients. The best part is that the filling is like a side dish!
Chaya Suri Leitner and Sara Gold
50 Reasons
Each morning, I can don a new attitude and decide to change   I did my homework one day a year — the first day of school. I promised myself I’d continue every night, but yesterday’s vow was a hoax. Freshness is blinding. And fleeting. Now I have as many first days as I raise my
Ariella Stern
50 Reasons
Each morning, I can don a new attitude and decide to change   I did my homework one day a year — the first day of school. I promised myself I’d continue every night, but yesterday’s vow was a hoax. Freshness is blinding. And fleeting. Now I have as many first days as I raise my
Ariella Stern
The Other Side of the Counter
One Husband’s Tips on How to Really Help Your Wife in the Kitchen
Simcha Cohen
More Flashback

It won’t be summer, it will just be a firefly in a jar. Let the firefly go

By Zivia Reischer


“If only he knew how much I needed to hear those exact words”

By Rivka Zahava


How I envied the camaraderie he described My father reminisced about the camp that he knew, back in the Old Country, There he sometimes ran barefoot in the long grass — even in the snow! He and his friends would arise before dawn and go on long walks early in the morning while singing the

By Zelda Goldfield


I think I have forgotten to turn off the auto-pilot mode of thoughtlessness

By Batya Jacobs


“As long as I put my marriage first, I’ll always remain a kallah”

By Faigy Gerstein


The horrors of our exile defy my attempts to normalize them

By Leah Gebber