Latest FF POV
Now Jacob’s pathetic cries were a mockery, and I trembled, my knees pulled tight up to my chin. I could not, would not hold him in my arms and watch him slip away. Not again
Perl Weisz
“You need to choose to fight this monster or he’ll get the better of you. You can live a happy life, you can break free of this. The first step is to want to get better.”
Michal Marcus
Deep Dive
A real Jewish leader allows everyone to feel accepted and welcomed.
Tamar Skydell 
Deep Dive
From beer to Barclays, Azriel Chelst is strategizing behind the scenes and netting partnerships with a Torah mindset
Mimi Minsky
Light Years Away
It seems that many readers missed the essence of the story
Ruti Kepler
Light Years Away
Her son looks at her directly. He’d gone to speak with his father, not with her. He’d intentionally come while she was out
Ruti Kepler
Looking Back Looking Forward
Read on for some cool info about the lightbulbs
Looking Back Looking Forward
What kind of thermometer(s) have you used this year?
Calligraphy: Succos 5784
I reminded myself that I had no reason to worry. Maybe things would happen at the last minute, but my mother would help me pull this off, I knew I could rely on her
Esty Heller
Calligraphy: Succos 5784
Honestly, I can’t keep track of Dalia’s wardrobe, even though she’s forever posting pictures of her new purchases on our family chat
Rochel Samet

Protektzia is baked into our society. Should it be?

By Family First Readers


Kids are overwhelmed, parents are overworked. Just whose job is this homework, anyway?

By Family First Readers