Latest Family Matters
Family Matters
Joan Zlotnick
Family Matters
Esther Rabi
Family Matters
Rechie Eisner
Hindsight Is 2020
Bright-eyed and personable, she is not stupid, misbehaved, or learning-disabled. She’s simply “not ready.” “Morah, Morah, the butterflies hatched!” Beaming children greet me at the door of their pre-1A classroom, where I recently began teaching a weekly specialty class. I share their excitement and tell them, “Guess what! You’re like butterflies, too. I watch you
Chanie Nayman and Michal Frischman
Hindsight Is 2020
This dual focus — on Torah growth, and maintaining Jews’ last Jewish connection — is one that kiruv organizations should embrace
Gedalia Guttentag
A Different Counting Shavuos 5782
The words leap off the page, suddenly so much more real than prayers mumbled
Sari Abraham
A Different Counting Shavuos 5782
What were a few bothersome appointments if they were the key to the Land of Israel?
Yaffa Ganz
Cozey Serial
She’s looking down while she speaks, and I suddenly have the weirdest thought: She’s intimidated by me
Ariella Schiller
Cozey Serial
She doesn’t recognize me. We’ve been in school together since kindergarten and She. Doesn’t. Recognize Me
Ariella Schiller
Deep Dive
A real Jewish leader allows everyone to feel accepted and welcomed.
Tamar Skydell 
Deep Dive
From beer to Barclays, Azriel Chelst is strategizing behind the scenes and netting partnerships with a Torah mindset
Mimi Minsky
Sister Shmooze
While his job was covert, his faith was overt. Remembering Dr. Sheldon Meth
Emmy Leah Stark Zitter and Marcia Stark Meth and Miriam Stark Zakon
Sister Shmooze
Like so much in our lives, Old is only as good or bad as we make it. It’s all about how we look at it. And that’s a lesson that never grows old
Emmy Leah Stark Zitter and Marcia Stark Meth and Miriam Stark Zakon
More Family Matters
Family Matters

How could I protect his dignity in the face of such a debilitating illness? How could I respect his independence and still keep him safe?

By Joan Zlotnick

Family Matters

They’re preparing the shul’s Lag Ba’Omer bonfire, and their naturally good middos are shining. Looking out my window, I found the answers to some questions I’ve always wondered about: Why did Lag Ba’Omer put an end to the deaths of Rabi Akiva’s students? Is it a coincidence that they stopped dying on the day that

By Esther Rabi

Family Matters

Bright-eyed and personable, she is not stupid, misbehaved, or learning-disabled. She’s simply “not ready.” “Morah, Morah, the butterflies hatched!” Beaming children greet me at the door of their pre-1A classroom, where I recently began teaching a weekly specialty class. I share their excitement and tell them, “Guess what! You’re like butterflies, too. I watch you

By Rechie Eisner