Many autistic children are trapped within themselves, unable to communicate with the outside world, Family First explores the various therapies that help numerous children learn to open up and reveal their special personalities
I was reading my daughter one of those fairy tale nursery rhyme books, when she turned to me wide-eyed and said, “When I’m a mommy, I’m going to be exactly like Shimmy’s mommy.”
Shalom bayis is precious enough to put on top of the priorities’ list
Rav Yehudah Meir Shapiro, ztz”l, and Sarah Schenirer, of blessed memory, led parallel lives, both with a vision of Kavod Shamayim.
It seems to come as naturally to Jewish women as gefilte fish and chicken soup. But unlike gefilte fish and chicken soup, guilt isn’t always wholesome or appetizing. How to distinguish between constructive and destructive guilt