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Leah Greene
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Leah Greene
Care to Join
Leah Greene
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Leah Greene
Care to Join
Leah Greene
 The Megillah presents a road map to our redemption
Mrs. Aviva Orlian
Simple emunah isn't enough to overcome the faith of Yishmael
Mrs. D. B. Estrin
War Diaries
I wish I could say I was excited to go back, and that our return home was smooth. But I wasn’t, and it wasn’t
Mindel Kassorla
War Diaries
Even in Hamas’s tunnels, Sapir Cohen found faith and fortitude. Months after her release, she has a message she wants to share with Am Yisrael
Elana Moskowitz
At the Core
Our faith may be dimmed but it can always reignite
Baila Vorhand
At the Core
What distinguishes our chochmah from the wisdom of the Greeks?
Baila Vorhand
Plate art
With so much fish being served over Yom Tov, here’s a pretty yet simple plating idea.
Esther Ottensoser
Plate art
Here are a few special touches that will enhance your Yom Tov table
Esther Ottensoser
For Keeps: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
I can see the shul from my dining room window. The idea that it was so close, yet so far, was too much to bear
Binyomin Yudin 
For Keeps: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
“He would be killed just for having it in his possession. But a Torah is a Torah and my father was determined to save it”
Sandy Eller
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We boarded the plane, four-year-old, two-year-old, and six-month-old in tow, trying to remain impervious to the looks we were getting

By Leah Greene

Care to Join

I noticed her torn jeans, multiple piercings, and the tattoo that snaked up her arm. Then she spoke. “If you’re going to the Kotel can you daven for my mother?”

By Leah Greene

Care to Join

As she tied her own scarf, Sharon turned and thanked me, then she continued on, to reconnect with the place she hadn’t seen in 40 years

By Leah Greene