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Leah Reisman
What I Reaped
On Succos, we gather our crops, reflect on our harvest. In life, we gather our experiences, appreciate what we’ve gained
Rivki Silver
What I Reaped
On Succos, we gather our crops, reflect on our harvest. In life, we gather our experiences, appreciate what we’ve gained
Chana Marcus
Make Her Day: Chanukah 5782
Enjoy a glimpse at the joy they sparked
Ariella Schiller and Miriam Milstein
Connection Everywhere: Yom Kippur Theme 5783
“Please come with me,” she begged. “It’ll be a one-time thing — and the trip won’t last more than 24 hours”
Sarah Pardes
Connection Everywhere: Yom Kippur Theme 5783
It wouldn’t be easy to both fast and care for my father the entire day. So, the zechus of the mitzvah fell on me
Sarah Pardes
Eyes That Saw Angels
Would we spend the rest of our lives wondering why we’d hadn’t contacted the myriad of magical figures living in our midst?
Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer
Eyes That Saw Angels
Venerable individuals still among us share their recollections of personal encounters with yesteryear's giants
Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer
When the sustenance and materialism are used for kedushah, they’re kadosh
Faigy Peritzman
Chazal say matching couples is as difficult as Kri’as Yam Suf. What’s the connection?
Faigy Peritzman
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Question: Every night I lie in bed dreaming of wearing a neatly tied apron and taking trays of heavenly smelling, perfectly crisped cookies out of the oven. But reality is far from my dreams. When it comes to the kitchen, I have two left hands. My family and friends usually just nibble on my creations

By Leah Reisman