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Leah Reisman
Dinner Hour
When it’s time to eat, the youngest ones eat first, followed by the older children, who drift to the table as the smells draw them in
Rochie Laufer
Dinner Hour
A meal both adults and kids alike will enjoy!
Rochie Laufer
For the Record
Rav Yitzchak Isaac HaLevi Herzog: chief rabbi of Eretz Yisrael under the British Mandate, and first chief rabbi of the State of Israel
Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer
For the Record
The Rebbe Rayatz shared ideas for making order out of chaos on American shores  
Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer
Calligraphy: Succos 5784
I reminded myself that I had no reason to worry. Maybe things would happen at the last minute, but my mother would help me pull this off, I knew I could rely on her
Esty Heller
Calligraphy: Succos 5784
Honestly, I can’t keep track of Dalia’s wardrobe, even though she’s forever posting pictures of her new purchases on our family chat
Rochel Samet
Pearls of Wisdom   
It takes a clear sense of self to envision a better you
Family First Contributors
Pearls of Wisdom   
In what ways can we authentically and positively support our husband’s spiritual growth?
Family First Contributors
Teen Fiction
Honestly, I felt the world had enough color in it, and didn’t need me messing up its palette
Miriam Bodner
Teen Fiction
We were the picture-perfect family, Mommy, Daddy, and me
Aliza Field
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Question: Every night I lie in bed dreaming of wearing a neatly tied apron and taking trays of heavenly smelling, perfectly crisped cookies out of the oven. But reality is far from my dreams. When it comes to the kitchen, I have two left hands. My family and friends usually just nibble on my creations

By Leah Reisman