A Face and A Place
Rebbe Gedalya Moshe was buried in one of the tiny graveyards in a corner of the city. Who knew of it’s power?
Hodayah Cohen
Web Exclusive
Close to a century later, we're still singing the songs of a visionary scholar, builder, and leader.
Feature Videos
When your work puts you inside some of the most sensitive situations in our community, how can you keep from burning out?
Yisroel Besser
Shooting Stars
As long as I’m here, I’m given the strength. To endure. To survive and smile
Shira Gold
Shooting Stars
The steel, stinging bars weren’t only literal. I had nearly imprisoned my soul
Shira Gold
Break the Chain: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
Oh, no, I thought, Will I allow Goldie to use the silent treatment as a weapon?
Sarah Nimarov
Break the Chain: Rosh Hashanah Theme 5783
Growing up, I knew that it was bad to spend money and sinful to buy things at full price
Rachel Jaffe
Our cover story, “Opening the Books” in Issue 1030 continues to draw vigorous and passionate feedback. Here is a sampling:
Mishpacha Readers
“Everyone agrees an education is a basic right. It should be the same for frum children”
Mishpacha Readers
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“Failure is not the detour to success; rather, it’s the path to success”

By Moe Mernick

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“Don’t view issues that arise as ‘problems’ but rather as ‘challenges'”

By Moe Mernick

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“Do be present. When you’re at work, be at work, and when you’re at home, be at home”

By Moe Mernick

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“Do remember that you always have the opportunity to make a kiddush Hashem”

By Moe Mernick

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Do work with great people who you respect, share vision with, and relate to

By Moe Mernick

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“Never focus on what your competitor is doing. Keep innovating, not imitating”

By Moe Mernick