
Bedroom Basics

A major part of the organizing process is breaking down tasks into manageable bits


Do you find yourself wasting time looking for things you know you “just saw around here somewhere?" In this column we’ll provide effective strategies to organize key areas in your life, and share tips and tidbits that you’ll love to implement.

A major part of the organizing process is breaking down tasks into manageable bits. Let’s start with your bedroom, beginning with clothing. Gear up! Get some garbage bags handy so the things that won’t be sticking around have an easy way out and don’t hang around once you’ve made your decision to let it go.



Make three piles: Keep, Donate, and Throw Away.

Don’t wait, get those donations and garbage into bags and out of the way ASAP so you can focus on your “keep” pile. This leads us to the next step.


Step #2: SORT

Once you’re left with the items you’re keeping, it’s a good time to take inventory of what you have and kick into high gear. Gather hangers for what needs to be hung in the closet, fold what is going in a drawer or on a shelf, and start putting things away!

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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