

"I first learned that in the Scottish Highlands at a school camp"


Impossible to choose just one that has really touched me, so I’ve chosen five of the very best, as follows (the first four are from London School — Neginah Orchestra): “ASHIRAH” — I first learned that in the Scottish Highlands at a school camp from our unforgettable rebbi, Rabbi Osher Baddiel a”h; GREEK INTERLUDE — magnificent, lilting melody; “PADAH B’SHALOM NAFSHI”; “CHAMOL” — which our rav still uses in his Yamin Noraim davening; and “LAMAH YASHAVTA” (London Live) — pure power and incredible melody.

—Michael Kramar

Golders Green, London



(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 870)

London School of Jewish Song