“L aner velibesamim nafshi meyachelah… im titnu li kos shel yayin leHavdalah” — this popular, upbeat Motzaei Shabbos song so often heard around Eretz Yisrael and beyond is Yemenite in origin. The words are part of a poem written by one of Yemen’s most prominent rabbis and mekubalim, Rav Shalom Shabazi (1619-1720), but the tune is much more recent. Paytanut expert Moshe Chabusha says that “Im Titnu Li” was composed and recorded in Eretz Yisrael in the 1950s by a Yemenite immigrant. And, he says, at around the same time, another great tune emerged from Yemenite circles and slowly became one of the most widely sung zemiros in Sephardic circles — the famous Yemenite “Dror Yikra.”