| Out of the Woods |

Out of the Woods: Chapter 4  

Avi’s father wants him to end the feud with Elchanan.


Avi Shine was acting strange today. Quieter, somehow, even surrounded by a dozen kids clamoring for his attention throughout recess. A few times, Elchanan had even felt that uneasy prickle down

his back, as if he was being watched — even in class, where Avi usually spent his time alternately looking smug, bored, or self-satisfied. What was up with him?

Elchanan leaned back in his seat, stretching casually, and slowly turned his head until Avi’s profile came into view. Just as he’d suspected: The class genius was staring out the window, eyes unfocused. Something was seriously wrong with the kid today.

Avi shifted in his seat and suddenly turned to look straight at Elchanan. Their eyes locked for a moment, Avi’s light-green, wide eyes meeting Elchanan’s brown. For a moment, Avi looked surprised, embarrassed even, to be caught in the act. Then he straightened his shoulders slightly and raised a condescending eyebrow.

Rebbi’s fingers tapped lightly on the edge of Elchanan’s desk.

Elchanan turned back and tried to focus, but his concentration was shot. Another strike against Avi Shine.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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