
Can Winter Be Cozy?

“Shoshi’s counting the days until the sun shines again ” saidMrs.Colman. “She’s just like Granny. Granny can’t stand the cold… that’s why she leftToronto and moved toFlorida.” “And that’s why we had my bas mitzvah party in July instead of in January when I was born!” Shoshi said. She was still upset that she had waited six months for her special family supper. But Tatty had wanted Granny to come and Granny would only come if the sun was shining. “Winter is a big part of the year Shoshi ” her mother said. “If you try to see the good in it rather than just complain you won’t be so miserable.” Instead of telling her mother that there was nothing good about being cold Shoshi went to make some hot chocolate. But it didn’t help much. The next day after school Shoshi’s mother had a big surprise for her. “When I spoke to Granny last night like I do every night I told her how much you dislike the winter. So she decided to take you to…” Shoshi’s mother paused dramatically “an ice hotel!”

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