Quarantine Quicktakes

We’re proving yet again that when you squeeze a Jew, the purest oil emerges that lights up the world

I never imagined that
People would be able to actually ramp up their Torah learning in this difficult, anxious time.
I was most moved by
The ocean of comments, the requests for more classes, the desire to help less fortunate people. We’re proving yet again that when you squeeze a Jew, the purest oil emerges that lights up the world.
The sefer/book/game/supply that proved indispensable
The Torah! It sounds funny, but the parshiyot of these weeks have been chock full of references and chizuk for isolation, coming together, and protecting others. Our Torah is relevant in every single situation, no matter where we are on history’s timeline. It’s our greatest gift, and only the Divine genius of G-d that could produce that result!
—Rabbi Shlomo Farhi, Congregation Beit Edmond (The Safra Synagogue), Manhattan
(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 808)
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