
David Greenfield: Song of my Soul


he rarefied atmosphere of the Yamim Noraim, a blend of awe and longing and intense prayer, is closely tied to the solemn tunes and the stirring words. The power of a niggun to awaken our hearts is a blessing which comes into its own at this auspicious time of year.


Which song or niggun creates that special Yamim Noraim feeling for you?
CEO, MET council; past NYC councilman David Greenfield

For me, the most moving part of the Yamim Noraim is when the chazzan sings Unesaneh Tokef. It’s not just the weight of the niggun and the piyut itself but also the backstory of Reb Amnon of Mainz — who was brutally punished by the powerful archbishop for refusing to convert to Christianity — and the vivid reminder of how everything in this world can change in an instant.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 726)


Unesaneh Tokef
Yisroel Williger
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