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5 Things You Didn’t Know about Shlomo Simcha

You’re on first-name terms already: Simcha is not his last name, it’s his middle name. He was named Shlomo Simcha Sufrin, with “Simcha” a reference to his birth on Simchas Torah.

The Sufrins are grandchildren of the tzaddik and mussar personality Rav Elya Lopian ztz”l, who lived in England, too, before moving to Eretz Yisrael where he became mashgiach ruchani in Kfar Chassidim.

He grew up in Golders Green, London, and is one of 13 children ka”h.

At age 11, young Shlomo took part in a 30-kilometer sponsored walkathon to raise money for Hospital Kosher Meals. He raised the most money in the under-12 age group and was invited to the British Houses of Parliament to receive a trophy.

He learned to be a chef while in yeshivah in Eretz Yisrael, and then ran a chesed kitchen, putting out 600 meals a day for poor people. (Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 715)


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