
Yamim Nora’im with Rav Moshe Goldman’s Songs

Composer Moshe Goldman z”l is known for hundreds of hauntingly beautiful songs and for his strong soul connection to the Bobover chassidus. But his son Reb Yaakov Goldman of Brooklyn says that his father’s tunes have traveled to other courts as well. “A few years ago at the Motzaei Yom Kippur tish in Belz Yerushalayim the Rebbe requested that they sing my father’s song ‘Zochreinu Lechayim.’ Belz don’t allow many new songs in to the tishen but now ‘Zochreinu Lechayim’ is a regular there at this time of year.”

Goldman’s ‘Zochreinu Lechayim’ (from the Camp Shalva — Kenesher album) has a mellow warm tune and a lilting high part that has captured many hearts but its approval by the Rebbe has closed a circle: Reb Moshe Goldman actually grew up in Jerusalem and attended cheder together with the future Belzer Rebbe.

Meanwhile in Satmar in Monroe Reb Moshe’s “Melech Shochen Ad ” sung by Isaac Honig on his Behar Hamoriah album has become part of the Erev Yom Kippur tish its high part “Melech maazin shavah ” a passionate and musical plea that is sung again and again by Honig and the crowd of chassidim to awaken Heavenly mercy.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha Issue 679)

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Isaac Honig
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