Add Simchah to Your Mitzvos
| January 28, 2025Performing mitzvos with joy doesn’t merely enhance the mitzvah — it creates an entirely new mitzvah
During a recent trip to Eretz Yisrael, I had the extraordinary privilege of meeting renowned tzaddik and mekubal Rav Gamliel Rabinowitz. I mentioned my role in rabbanus and sought his guidance on how to make a lasting impact.
His response was as simple as it was profound. “There’s only one way to truly influence our generation — through joy,” he said. “Show people that Yiddishkeit is geshmak. Let them feel the beauty and pleasure of living a Torah life. When their experiences in shul, performing mitzvos, or day-to-day interactions are infused with joy, that’s what leaves a lasting impression.”
Rav Gamliel’s words echoed a foundational truth: Joy is transformative. It elevates our spiritual journey and ignites a spark in others. By approaching mitzvos with excitement and sharing that energy, we not only strengthen our own connection to Hashem but inspire others to do the same.
Happiness vs. Joy
In today’s world, the pursuit of happiness is almost universal. People strive to feel good, to achieve success, and to find contentment in their accomplishments, families, and surroundings. And it’s true — happiness is a wonderful thing. It energizes us, motivates us, and enhances our ability to navigate life’s challenges. But Yiddishkeit teaches us that there is something far deeper and more important than happiness: serving Hashem and performing mitzvos with an enduring, meaningful joy. But what’s the difference between happiness and joy?
Happiness is often tied to external circumstances — accomplishments at work, the nachas of raising children, or the sense that life, whether spiritually or physically, is going well. These things, while valuable, can be fleeting and sometimes dependent on factors outside of our control.
Simchah shel mitzvah, however, transcends these externalities. It is a profound, inner joy that stems from the knowledge that every mitzvah we perform forges an eternal connection with Hashem. This joy remains steadfast, is not dependent on anything external, and offers purpose and meaning to our lives, even amid life’s greatest challenges. The true essence of simchah lies in its definition as joy rather than mere “happiness.”
Chazal highlight this ideal in the pasuk (Tehillim 100:2), “Ivdu es Hashem b’simchah — serve Hashem with joy.” This directive is more than a call for contentment; it’s an invitation to approach Torah and mitzvos as opportunities for spiritual fulfillment and genuine delight. The Rambam (Lulav 8:15) describes serving Hashem with joy as the pinnacle of Divine service, the highest expression of avodas Hashem.
When mitzvos are performed with joy, it doesn’t just elevate the mitzvos themselves — it transforms every aspect of life. For instance, the joy we bring to Shabbos and Yom Tov infuses our entire homes with warmth and positivity, creating vibrant meaning and connection.
Rav Chaim Vital recounts that the Ari Hakadosh attributed his spiritual greatness to the joy with which he performed mitzvos. His boundless enthusiasm in serving Hashem was the foundation of his extraordinary madreigah.
Happiness is wonderful — but joy is indispensable. By embracing simchah shel mitzvah, we can elevate our connection to Hashem and infuse our lives with lasting fulfillment.
Simchah’s Multiplier Effect
Rabbeinu Bechaye (Kad Hakemach, Erech Simchah) writes that the joy one invests in a mitzvah is greater than the mitzvah itself. The Chasam Sofer (parshas Pinchas) echoes this sentiment: “The joy in performing a mitzvah surpasses the mitzvah itself, and its reward exceeds that of the mitzvah.”
At first glance, this idea is perplexing. How can the joy surrounding a mitzvah outweigh the act itself? Rabbeinu Bechaye and the Chasam Sofer reveal that performing mitzvos with joy doesn’t merely enhance the mitzvah — it creates an entirely new mitzvah.
Let’s consider two scenarios:
- Reuven dons tefillin daily but does so mechanically.
- Shimon performs the same mitzvah, but with his heart brimming with joy, reflecting on the privilege of connecting with Hashem.
Shimon’s joy elevates his mitzvah, creating a second mitzvah. The joy itself becomes a distinct mitzvah, greater than the act alone.
The Gemara (Berachos 8b) offers us a source for this fascinating dynamic. It teaches that by eating on Erev Yom Kippur, one is considered to have fasted on both the 9th and 10th of Tishrei. How can eating, the opposite of fasting, achieve such reward?
The Rambam (Hilchos Shevisas Asor 1:4) explains that since Yom Kippur, a day of solemn fasting, doesn’t allow for a festive meal, we do the mitzvah without joy. Therefore, we channel our joy into eating festively on the 9th. This joyous eating doesn’t just prepare us for Yom Kippur; it magnifies the spiritual reward of the mitzvah of the fast by adding a dimension of simchah. The mitzvah of Yom Kippur itself is to fast, but we express the simchah for this on Erev Yom Kippur by eating festively. And the Gemara says that the mitzvah to eat on Erev Yom Kippur — which is not the main mitzvah of the day, but the simchah component of that mitzvah — is worth double the value of the actual mitzvah of fasting on Yom Kippur.
Here’s how it works:
- Fasting on Yom Kippur (the 10th): earns “1 point” as the primary mitzvah.
- Joyful eating on Erev Yom Kippur (the 9th): earns “2 points” for the joy surrounding the mitzvah.
- Total Reward: “3 points”— tripling the mitzvah’s spiritual value.
This principle applies to all mitzvos. When infused with joy, their value multiplies, creating exponential spiritual returns.
Imagine if one mitzvah were worth
$1 billion. Performing it with joy would add $2 billion more, tripling your spiritual “earnings” to $3 billion. This formula underscores how joy is not just an accessory to mitzvos — it is their ultimate amplifier.
How Joy Transforms
The power of simchah lies in its ability to elevate and transform our avodas Hashem in two profound ways:
Simchah infuses energy and meaning. Rav Yerucham Levovitz emphasizes that joy prevents mitzvos from becoming mechanical. When performed with simchah, even simple mitzvos become vibrant expressions of love and devotion to Hashem. This joy turns actions into meaningful experiences that radiate brachah far beyond the act itself.
Simchah comes from the neshamah. The Pupa Rav explains that while the physical act of a mitzvah is performed by the body, the joy comes from the neshamah. The mind and heart — our spiritual essence — drive the simchah in fulfilling mitzvos. When we reflect on the privilege of carrying out Hashem’s will, our souls naturally overflow with joy. This connection is hinted at in the Hebrew words b’simchah (with joy) and machshavah (thought), which share the same letters. Thoughtful reflection transforms mitzvos into thrilling opportunities to connect deeply with Hashem, infusing our avodah with energy and purpose.
What can people do if they don’t feel joy in performing mitzvos but deeply wish they could?
The answer lies in mindfulness — taking the time to mentally prepare and focus on the significance of the mitzvah before performing it (see Tiferes Yisrael, Kiddushin 41a). The Talmud Yerushalmi (Shabbos 1:3) teaches us that aside from simchah, there is another element of the mitzvah that outweighs the act itself. “Gadol hachanah l’mitzvah min hamitzvah” — preparation for a mitzvah is even greater than the mitzvah itself.
Why is preparation so significant? Because it clears away distractions and helps us engage with the mitzvah fully — and with joy. This allows us to experience the positive emotions and spiritual connection that Hashem desires for us. Mesillas Yesharim (Chapter 7) and the Maharal (Derech Chaim 2:8) both point out that preparation creates a focused mindset, enabling us to approach mitzvos with clarity, intention, and joy.
Preparation doesn’t have to take long — sometimes, all it takes is a brief moment of mindfulness. For example:
Before Shemoneh Esreh, pause for 30 seconds and think, “I am about to stand before the King of Kings and speak directly to Him.”
Before washing negel vasser, reflect on the sanctity of starting your day in purity.
Before taking challah, consider the spiritual elevation involved in fulfilling this mitzvah.
Simply asking yourself, “What am I about to do right now?” can transform your mindset and allow you to approach the mitzvah with heightened awareness and joy.
And the more we cultivate mindfulness, the more we uncover the joy that is already present in mitzvos. Often, the joy isn’t missing — it’s there, waiting for us to notice it. It’s our own mental noise that prevents us from experiencing it.
As the Ohr HaChaim (Devarim 26:13) so beautifully explains: “If only the Jewish People knew the sweetness and goodness of Torah, they would go crazy with love for it. All the gold and silver in the world would be meaningless in comparison, for the Torah contains all the goodness in existence.”
May we merit to approach Torah and mitzvos with mindfulness, allowing us to experience their true beauty. Like an eternal song, these mitzvos fill our hearts with joy and bring us closer to Hashem. Let us sing that song with passion, and may it fill our lives with deep connection and happiness.
Rabbi Aryeh Kerzner is the rav of Agudas Yisrael of Montreal and a noted posek and popular speaker. Many of his shiurim and speeches are available online. He is the author of the sefer Halachah at Home, published by ArtScroll/Mesorah
(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 1047)
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