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A Quiet Shabbos 

              My daughter is still in a state of disbelief. “So you really want a quiet Shabbos — just the two of you?”

“Mom, what’s doing this Shabbos?” my daughter asks me over the phone.

“We’re having a quiet one,” I reply.

“Oh. Who’s coming?”

“No one.”

“What do you mean no one? What will you do?”

“Oh, we’ll eat, sleep, daven, go to shul. I’ll be able to sing zemiros with Abba because there will be no sons-in-law there. Maybe I’ll buy a magazine and actually have a chance to read it.”

“Yes, but you don’t want to be completely on your own, do you?”

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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