| War Diaries |

To My Fellow Tehillim Sayer on our Tehillim Whatsapp Group

I feel so blessed to have a virtual friendship with you and everyone else in our ever-growing group

To My Fellow Tehillim Sayer on our Tehillim Whatsapp Group,

I see you’ve been busy saying Tehillim this morning. We must keep similar schedules, you and I, because we sign up to say Tehillim at the exact same time every single day.

The only information I know about you are your initials and your cell phone number… well, that’s not entirely true. I also know that you have a fierce desire to daven your heart out every morning for the Israeli soldiers and hostages like I do.

I feel so blessed to have a virtual friendship with you and everyone else in our ever-growing group. It’s strange to feel so close to a group where no one has ever met, yet we all bonded instantly right after the tragic news we heard on Motzaei Simchas Torah. I do recognize the cell phone numbers of a few friends of mine, but I’ve decided not to reach out to them to mention this. After all… this isn’t a group for social chitchat. This is a group for serious davening.

I wonder if you’re also amazed by how quickly our Tehillim WhatsApp group says the entire Tehillim. Unbelievable, right?

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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