
Pinky Weber’s Forgotten Niggun


"We were sitting outside Kever Shmuel Hanavi for a nighttime kumzitz with a group of bochurim. I was playing the guitar and I composed a song on the spot for the words from Ana Bekoach – ‘Yachid gei’eh le’amcha penei.’ A while later one of those bochurim got married and he asked me to sing that new composition at his wedding. I told him ‘I would gladly do it but I don’t remember the tune.’ No problem though—he had recorded the kumzitz on his phone. Usually I compose in the studio and this one just came to me on vacation so I hadn’t thought of recording or selling it. Once he had reminded me though I sold it to a popular singer in Eretz Yisrael Arele Samet who is releasing it on his first solo album soon.”

(Excerpted from Mishpacha Issue 672)

Yachid Gei'eh
Ahrele Samet
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