| Musings |

Soaring Through Time

The migrating birds that make their way over my Jerusalem neighborhood as summer winds down will always remain my favorite


birds are back, just as I said they would be.

I’ve always been attracted to birds. I miss the colorful assortment that fluttered around my parents’ home in Canada. I fondly recall the robin with his red breast, the bright- red cardinals, and the beloved blue jays and Canada geese that occasionally flew past.

For many years, our garden here in Jerusalem was graced mostly by pigeons, sparrows, and a threatening raven or two. But as the trees behind my home grew and their branches spread far and high, they became an inviting home for my feathered friends. Now we sometimes spy sparkling hummingbirds or other colorful species.

But the migrating birds that make their way over my Jerusalem neighborhood as summer winds down will always remain my favorite. I love watching their sudden descent on my small country. They soar in vast circles over the white-stoned buildings, and their aerodynamic stunts astound me. I enjoy watching different pairs break off on their own — I sense the mutual loyalty as the feathered couples circle in tandem.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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