| Story Time |

Shimshon and the Golem: Chapter 8

“Pinchas is a good boy. Besides for breaking my dishes and furniture every other day, he really does have a heart of gold.”


Shimshon gasped as he watched the golem crouch down to fit through the door. It was only when he stepped outside that he noticed that the golem was simply… enormous. The top of his head almost grazed the low-hanging branches, and his eyes blinked comically in the sunlight. His clothing had clearly been sewed together from many different garments, and his ginormous legs and arms looked powerful enough to go head-to-head with an elephant. A shiver ran up Shimshon’s spine.

“Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you,” Shabsi said, his voice suddenly soft and kind. “Pinchas is a good boy. Besides for breaking my dishes and furniture every other day, he really does have a heart of gold.”

The golem swung his massive eyes downward and looked directly at Shabsi. He pointed a massive finger and growled.

“Stop that, Pinchas! You’re frightening the poor boy!”

The ends of the golem’s mouth turned downward into a menacing scowl.

“Ah, he doesn’t trust anyone. I’m really his only friend, you know…. We’ve spent so many years living here alone that he’s become very wary of strangers.”

“And that’s a good thing, because you’re in danger, Reb Shabsi.” Shimshon couldn’t help but try again.

“Danger? Me? From what? From whom?”

“I can explain….” Shimshon said, hoping that Reb Shabsi would take him seriously this time.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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