| Jr. Serial |

Home Ground: Chapter 16 

It had been an awkward night, an awkward morning, Raizy and I tap dancing around each other, being perfectly polite and perfectly cold


“MYsister said they’re doing a modern-day one this year.”

“But I heard the teachers talking about it, and they were saying something about a KGB dance, so it’s for sure one of these stories in Russia.”

“Leah Steinberg told me they haven’t even decided the script yet.”

“What do you mean, they haven’t decided? They’re doing auditions tomorrow?”

The arguments swirl around me. Production, production, production, or as they call it, “The show.” It’s as if they have nothing else to talk about.

“They’re probably confirming the script today,” Miri says.

“Yeah, I hope they don’t do a historical one. It’s sooo cliché,” Tehillah adds, rolling her eyes.

“What do you mean? Historical is way more interesting, all those costumes and everything. If we do a modern-day one they literally just tell everyone to come in their own regular clothing,” Shevi says.

“And if it’s historical then everyone’s dressed as these old-fashioned babushkas or, like, Inquisition agents,” Tehillah retorts.

“What about those princess stories with everyone in gowns? That’s, like, you feel really part of the scene.”

And they’re off again.


Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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