| Story Time |

To Live Forever: Chapter 4

The stargazer suddenly realized who he was speaking with. No one said no to the ruler of the land


The stargazer stared at the king closely.

“If I do this… find the route to the fountain of youth… then you will travel there, yes? No matter the risk, no matter the cost?”


“Then I don’t want to do it.” The stargazer shook his head. “The journey there is fraught with danger. You are not the first to ask this task of me, and I never heard back from the other king. It’s a one-way trip to doom. There’s little chance you would survive.”

“Please, just find it for me. I’ll reward you handsomely.”

“It’s not money I need. It’s the safety of the king I am concerned about.”

“Like I told you. Leave that to me.”

The stargazer suddenly realized who he was speaking with. No one said no to the ruler of the land. Quickly, the stargazer changed his attitude.

“Very well. Please return tomorrow night.”

The next night the king was back with his soldiers. The stargazer was already searching the starry night for signs, his hands moving across several scrolls laid out on the table before him. Lips murmuring as his eyes flew back and forth, the old man began to trace a path across the map.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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