| Family First Serial |

Within My Walls: Chapter 44

“I think that when you stop trying to fly off into the world of the spirit, you have a way with words”


Three Ottoman officials sit in her chairs, around her large, oakwood table. Leonora stands with her back to the wall, combing her visitors with her eyes. She does not recognize them from Tzfat; and their clothing is not the regular Muslim dress of the agents appointed to collect the taxes and keep the peace. Red hats, gold trim around their coats, long swords dangle from their left sides.

She sits down. So. This morning she is to tolerate another tiresome interruption. People often ask her how she manages so much, and she usually gives the answer: I am in the habit of not interrupting my work. She is always surprised at how her words — so obvious — are taken as a nugget of wisdom, to ponder and examine.

“We have some questions to ask you, Donna Leonora de Dabela.”

“Indeed.” She straightens her back and threads her fingers together in front of her. “Well, I have a question to ask you first. Under whose authority do you come?”

One of the men stands and hands her a piece of parchment. She uncurls it and lifts it close to her face, tries to decipher the scrawling script. Someone needs to employ a scribe with a finer hand. And perhaps Amram was right about seeking out the man from Strasbourg who makes spectacles.

She looks quickly at the seal: large, circular, badly smeared.

The signature: Ha-Kadi Hanbali.

The Kadi of Jerusalem

Underneath is the statement: This has been issued on behalf and in the presence of three signatories, that include Ibrahim al-Khalidi, Muhammad Hilbi al-Nakash, Farouk al-Akoush.

She looks up. “The Kadi of Jerusalem? What has he to do with me?”

She should read the document, but her eyes are failing her. She cannot keep the letters from flickering, cannot make sense of the words.

The officer who sits directly in front of her speaks. “There have been accusations of wrongdoing.”

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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