| Jolly Solly |

Alley Oops!

Instead of helping Jolly Solly, the monkey kept running to a corner of the stage and making growling noises

There was a crowd outside Tully’s Toyshop. Tully had gotten in beautiful stuffed animals. To celebrate, he’d invited Jolly Solly to perform outside the store. Many people were now waiting for the show to begin.

There was the sound of trumpets. Then, a big grin on his face, the clown appeared. He flipped onto a little platform. Right behind him was Manny the monkey. Manny tried to copy him but ended up rolling on the floor. The look on his face made everyone laugh.

Tully handed a box of stuffed animal toys to Jolly Solly. The clown started juggling with them. He threw them into the air, one by one, without dropping any. Everybody clapped. Then the clown snapped his fingers. The stuffed animals were gone! He snapped his fingers again. There they were, back in the box. Tully held it up to show everyone! Gasps rose from the crowd.

“What a great trick!” said Moishy Morris. He was near the front with his little sister, Miriam.

“How did he do that?” asked Miriam. “Is it magic?”

Chavi Morris smiled at her sister. “No, it just looks like it.”

Moishy was waiting to see what the clown would do next. Suddenly he saw something odd.

“Hey, look at Manny!” he said. “He’s acting funny.”

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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