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Perfect Harmony: Issue 945

I first heard the song as a kid in camp, where it was always sung so beautifully in kumzitzes and choirs

Can you think of a song that has amazing vocal arrangements?

The classic “Bilvavi,” with words by Rav Yitzchok Hutner ztz”l and set to music by Rav Shmuel Brazil, has incredible harmonies. I first heard the song as a kid in camp, where it was always sung so beautifully in kumzitzes and choirs. It’s still occasionally requested at chuppahs. Of my own songs, “Chazeik Kiryasi” (“Shabbos Hayom Lashem”), composed by Baruch Levine composed for my Say Asay album, really lends itself to harmonies, which continues to makes it a favorite around Shabbos tables.

—Shloime Gertner


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 945)

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