| Story Time |

All from Above: Chapter 3

You’re being taken to die, boy. If you were smart, you would have run for it while I was sleeping


Chaim ushered Marat and Naftali into his most expensive room. “Don’t worry about payment. Stay as long as you like.”

“We’re not staying any longer than this snowstorm lasts. But in the meantime, where’s the alcohol you promised?”

“Coming right up.”

Chaim disappeared from the room and a few moments later returned with a heavy box.

“This alone is worth a small fortune. Enough heavy drinks to last a week…. I’ll come back in a moment with some food.”

Chaim left and came back with copious amounts of food for his two guests.

“Thank you,” Naftali whispered.

“Of course.” Chaim cast Naftali a significant glance. “Eat up, you look like you’re going to faint from exhaustion and hunger.”

Marat watched the exchange closely.

“Don’t talk to him.”

“I was onl—”

“No.” Marat’s dark eyes bore into Chaim.

Excerpted from Mishpacha Magazine. To view full version, SUBSCRIBE FOR FREE or LOG IN.

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