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Ballot Box: Issue 899

Which crucial topic is still missing from the frum podcast scene?

Last Week’s Poll

Last week, we asked you to choose from a veritable smorgasbord of podcast-worthy topics. Just in case you’re an aspiring host and are really serious about doing this, “Fred Talk” — the frum version of Ted Talks — eked out a slight victory over “Shapir K’amar,” the show reviewing and relishing in the brilliance of Ben Shapiro (the “Shapir”). Those were followed by a close third, “9x13,” the proposed show which would have had Boro Park enthusiasts square off against Lakewood loyalists in debating the virtues of each other’s amenities (schnitzel sandwiches included).

And then we turned to you for suggestions: Which crucial topic is still missing from the frum podcast scene, just waiting to be addressed via a 45-minute monologue? The following were some intriguing submissions:


Smol Dochek

We in the frum community with left-leaning political views are severely underrepresented. To that end, we submit the following podcast idea: “Smol Dochek.” This, too, is a review of The Ben Shapiro Show, but, unlike Shapir Ka’amar, the aim of this podcast is to refute the arguments contained therein, or at the very least, to demonstrate that feelings don’t care about facts. Smol Dochek. It’s time for the left to push back.

—Left out in the cold


Tea Room

As a British native who learned in American yeshivos, I have struggled mightily with coffee room culture. Terms like “Oh, sick! Let’s pound!” are horrifically jarring. To the British ear, this is the equivalent of “Oh, unhealthy! Let’s dollar!” Thus, I propose that there be a podcast called “Tea Room.” This will be a British version of the coffee room, where discussion will be refined and dignified, spoken in the Queen’s English.

—Big Ben


Dave Framsey

So, I actually really enjoy listening to the Kosher Money podcast. But I was inspired by the name “Fred Talk.” Petition to the Kosher Money people: Can we rename it “Dave Framsey?” Or how about just “Framsey” for short? Please let me know.

—Avid Frodcast Listener



I don’t have a new idea, or a good joke, but seriously, I discovered a great existing podcast where a yeshivah-trained host gets into the sugyas of the most fascinating historical topics and seforim around. He’s yeshivish, yet his guests are academics, so it’s the right mix of info and lomdishe questions. It’s called “SeforimChatter” and is available on all the regular platforms.


(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 899)

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