
No Nagging Necessary

“Mommy can I get that? Pleeeeeease can I get that? Can I? Can I?” That won’t work on you you know. Yet nagging often seems like the only solution when you’re having one of those days — starting with the kid with his head under his pillow alarm clock blaring all the way to the dirty plates left on the dinner table yet again. Well you think they didn’t do it the first time I asked; of course I need to repeat myself probably a little louder too. But that rarely accomplishes the goal — and even if it does what’s the cost? The good news is you don’t have to live this way. Here are practical approaches to eight common nagging “black holes” so you can eradicate that disturbing habit for good.  Help kids kick unpleasant habits with colors using the Red and Green Learning System. Follow these six steps: 1. Label behaviors as red (negative) or green (positive) and call them by the color. Thus “slurping” is red; “drinking quietly” is green. 2. Take pictures of the child posing in both negative and positive stances (e.g. a picture of a wide mouth with hand-drawn lines to symbolize loud chewing and a picture of a closed mouth to symbolize no sound effects). 3. Model the red and green behaviors so your child knows what you mean. 4. Have the child practice the red and green behaviors so he can compare the two and pick up on differences. Also make sure he knows how to do the green behavior properly. 5. Reinforce green behaviors. For instance reward with immediate praise and a tangible treat. (Think small: a sticker nickel etc.) 6. Turn to corrections or consequences as a last resort (e.g. take the drink away from a slurping child for one minute). Discuss consequences with your child in advance so he knows to aim for the reward and what to expect should he continue the red behavior. 

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