
World Builders: Dollars and Sense

WB: Where do you go to school and how long have you been involved in your school’s annual tzedakah campaign?

Daniel: I’m in seventh grade at Yeshiva Tiferes Yisroel in Flatbush. Almost all the grades in my school work on tzedakah campaigns. From about third grade my class has been collecting and last year we hit a record amount of which we’re really proud.


WB: Does your class give to a different tzedakah each year?

Daniel: Every year our school has campaigns for a few tzedakahs but our class mainly gives to Chai Lifeline. We looked at all the organizations and decided to raise money for Chai Lifeline because they help sick children and make them happy. Chai Lifeline is an organization that helps out families and kids coping with all types of illnesses. They especially help kids with cancer. They run a summer camp called Camp Simcha which enables sick children to go to camp. They have doctors and nurses there who take care of all the campers’ medical needs. They also provide transportation and food for families who are in the hospital and they organize retreats during the year for families coping with sickness.


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