"What’s happening, Jacob? Who's taking care of the business back home? We can’t both be taking trips to Eretz Yisrael!”
David was shocked to discover that the person commandeering the boat following his own, was none other than… Jacob!
“H-how is this even possible!” David exclaimed, as the sailors helped Jacob board their ship. “How did you catch up to us so fast? Have you been trailing us since we left? I didn’t see you at all!”
David stopped talking and did a double take. Jacob’s face looked different. There was no smile on his lips or twinkle in his eyes. Instead, he looked furious.
“You look upset, David.”
“I, uh, I’m just a little shocked. What’s happening, Jacob? Who's taking care of the business back home? We can’t both be taking trips to Eretz Yisrael!”
“Oh, don’t worry about me, David, I’m certainly not taking any vacations like you are. I chased you down to deliver one important message.”
“Return immediately or pay me the value of my half of the business and it will all be yours from now on. I’ll take my share and move on.”
“You heard me. I’m sick and tired of taking care of everything all on my own. I’m busy around the clock dealing with customers, shipment orders, and everything else. I’ve had enough. You have to come home.”
“This is madness, Jacob! You gave me permission to leave! I specifically asked you if it was okay for me to travel and you said it was no problem at all. I don’t understand why you changed your mind out of the blue!”
Jacob leaped forward and grabbed his partner by his collar, his face red with anger.
“Listen to me, partner! I refuse to continue working like a dog while you relax in the sun. I’m giving you two options, either return with me right now and help me as you always have, or continue on your vacation and buy me out.”
“What’s wrong with you, Jacob?!”
“Nothing! Don’t you understand basic business concepts? If you’re not willing to come back, then I don’t want to be a part of our business any longer. Buy me out. I’ll walk away and it will all belong to you.”
The sailors were becoming impatient waiting for the Jewish partners to figure out their disagreement.
“Are you two going to stand here fighting all day? We have to continue on our journey!”
“One moment!”
David grabbed Jacob by the arm and steered him into a corner of the ship where they could speak in privacy.
“My old friend, please take a deep breath and calm down. I don’t understand why you’re attacking me like an angry dog, treating me like I’m your worst enemy. Have you forgotten the day we met, when I stood by your side and tried to help you when no one else would? I’ve loved you like a brother, so why would you pursue me as if I was some thief and force me to either come back or buy you out of the partnership? Have you no mercy?”
“You think I traveled across the sea to hear a sob story, David? Are you coming back or not?”
David gritted his teeth and stared at his partner with fury.
“So this is the real you? You did a good job hiding your true nature all of these years!”
“What’s your decision, David.”
“I’m not calling off my well-deserved trip to Eretz Yisrael. You want to leave the partnership, so be it. I have money on me right now. I’ll pay you five thousand coins and you’re free to walk away.”
“Nice try. Five thousand coins isn’t enough. I own more of the business than that.”
“Six thousand.”
“Still too low. We make a lot of sales, as you know. You have to pay me more.”
“Seven thousand! And you know as well as I do that’s a very fair price!”
“No, I want more.”
David stamped his foot in frustration. He could not believe his gentle, honest partner could behave in such a way. And here he’d thought he was the ganav!