I’ve got all I’ll ever need because He’s the One who’s given it to me, is the only path to simchah
When encountering multitudes of Jews, we must look beyond the mesmerizing enormity of the crowd
Shas imparts transformative lessons even to those who study it in a different way
This respect for human beings as such is proclaimed everywhere in the Torah
“Yeridas hadoros is not a gezeiras hakasuv”
The more I committed myself, the more siyata d’Shmaya I had
We find little to no emphasis in the Torah on Jews as being distinguished by their intelligence
What aspects of our contemporary frum society help keep alive the thirst for ruchniyus?
It’s possible for individuals and parties to deserve both credit and blame at the same time
Chanukah is that bridge spanning all of This Worldly time
The kind of killing that’s a great mitzvah, the “slaying of the superficial life”