“What about 200 boys who don’t come from wealthy homes? You know, plain families, no big privileges. Their big break fr ...

“I have a cousin and a brother. They have a million connections. When do you want to do the breakout?”

“All my siblings are out to lunch. I think we have to get together and we have to do it now. My father is i ...

“My Naftali said everyone knows that Neos Deshe is the hottest camp in the mountains. I want to make sure we’re back ...

Chaim has expressed an interest in buying the camp, but Barry Penner has another buyer in mind

“He’d never understood his father-in-law, how a grown man can be happy making a living from organizing punchball games, as ...

Chaim tells Rivky he wants to buy the camp

Come on, Rivky, which article did you read this Shabbos? Let me guess. Ten experts weigh in on how to make your m ...

“Seriously? Today? You have to show these people the camp now, when all these kids are having a carefree, happy day?”

Chaim typed the same thing he’d found himself writing again and again over the past few weeks. Be gebentsht, don’t know ...

Chaim saw determination in his mother-in-law’s eyes: There was a prepared speech coming, one she’d likely been rehearsing all ...