The colonel’s lips were a straight, unsmiling line. “Not German, Freed. They need someone who speaks Yiddish”,

Annie refuses to believe that Abe is dead. Moe receives a loving letter from his father and another letter telling him ...

Abe is shot and left to die, but his body is not recovered. Annie receives a telegram informing her that he is Mi ...

Abe and Moe spend a night under artillery fire. Reb Leibush and Yeruchum discuss Yeruchum’s relationship with Moe and how ...

Moe and Abe are reunited on the front line. Reb Leibush finds Yeruchum crying and praying in front of the shul’s aro ...

Moe is sent to the front lines to serve as a translator. Abe’s division is also sent to combat, and he’s been pro ...

Abe decides to publicly mark Chanukah on his base, after getting a hint of what the Nazis have done to Jews in Eu ...

The children arrive at the hotel and Annie realizes Artie has been traumatized by his experiences. In England, Mrs. Braun ...

Moe delivers a kosher food package to Rob Morgenstern — who turns out to be the rude woman from the train,

Colonel Cohn tells Moe that he needs him to help him understand the codebreaking work going on in Bletchley Park. Moe ...

“Ah, Bella’s cousin,” Izzy murmured, returning Moe’s determined handshake with a brief, flaccid one. “I can’t thank you enoug ...