“There’s a volatile situation here and we can’t allow anyone to enter”

My shul proves that large doesn’t necessarily have to mean impersonal

"We’re part of the Chevra Kaddisha of Tzfat, and we’ve been waiting here an hour to find a minyan to bury an old lady"

Drunken laughter ricochets off the walls. The Nazis have come to visit the safe house

Now that my husband, Rav Moshe Horowitz ztz”l is no longer with us, I share the details of an episode that occurred in the early days of our marriage

Avraham and his friend simultaneously cried out, “Shema Yisrael!” And as they did, one of the Americans told the soldiers to hold their fire

At one point, my mother asked me what I planned to do “when I grow up.” I was taken aback by her question. Wasn’t it obvious?