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Leek Challah Crown

Leek Challah Crown

Surprise your family this Yom Tov with a delicious treat of sautéed leek hidden in the center of your round challah.


  • your favorite challah dough recipe (this braid works best with a firmer dough, not an overly fluffy one)
  • sautéed leek (see note)
  • egg wash and poppy/sesame seeds, as desired
  1. Flatten a piece of dough. Place 3–4 tablespoons of sautéed leek in the center and fold the edges over it to form a ball. Set aside.
  2. Roll 12 pieces of dough into ropes. Divide the ropes into four groups of three ropes each.
  3. Lay the three ropes next to each other and then weave the four groups together, as shown in the picture.
  4. Carefully wrap the woven dough over the leek-filled ball. Brush with egg and seeds. Place in a round challah pan and bake.

Note: The leek should not be saturated in oil (it won’t bake well if it’s too wet). l sautéed it until there was barely any oil left in the pan.

(Originally featured in Family Table, Issue 710)

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