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Spirit and Sparks
Baila Gitty Vorhand
Spirit and Sparks
Baila Vorhand
Spirit and Sparks
Baila Vorhand
Spirit and Sparks
Baila Vorhand
Spirit and Sparks
Baila Vorhand
The Rainbow Girl
Rachelli flushed. She wanted to answer back, defend herself or say something, but then she realized it was true
Rochel (Grunewald) Samet
The Rainbow Girl
Maybe that’s the thing with family, they’re so close that it’s hard to see things clearly
Rochel (Grunewald) Samet
Editors Note
Whether we promote ourselves on Instagram or not, we all already have a unique brand of our own — because Hashem made us that way.
Alex Abel
Editors Note
When I get to that place, I remember that Hashem has a plan tailor-made for me
Alex Abel
Family Diary
I look up at my husband, who is shuckling intently. “Would we do this if we had a baby?”
Chava Glick
Family Diary
The good news is that because I’m part of Klal Yisrael, I have an army of helpers along the way
Chava Glick
“Loser, you’re a loser,” my classmates taunt, pointing at my cleft lip while I shrink into hopeless oblivion
Devorah Grant
I would find myself crying not for Kaila and her family, but for the simplicity of my own life before this all happened
Ariella Schiller
Like a Local
It’s a bochur spot, famous for their insane cholent.
Chavi Feldman
Like a Local
When you can't leap to the Heavens, trudge forward on earth Slow But Steady Heading into the plains of Cheshvan and Kislev, we leave behind two peaks — the Yamim Noraim and Succos. Both were periods of judgment, as the Gemara and Zohar teach. But the flatlands of Cheshvan and Kislev also bring us to a
Faigy Grossman
More Spirit and Sparks
Spirit and Sparks

“Rebbe, the Shechinah is waiting, Klal Yisrael is waiting, the entire creation is waiting!”

By Baila Vorhand

Spirit and Sparks

He’d been sick alone for weeks — would I have to leave him now?

By Baila Vorhand

Spirit and Sparks

“The more bitter the heart of the singer, the sweeter his song”

By Baila Vorhand

Spirit and Sparks

The letters of the Torah are like glasses: Through them we can see the Giver of the Torah

By Baila Vorhand

Spirit and Sparks

The third period of teshuvah is during Sefirah, when we go all the way to the roots of our actions: to our middos

By Baila Vorhand

Spirit and Sparks

Capturing moments of joy gives us the strength to move forward

By Baila Vorhand