Latest Spirit and Sparks
Spirit and Sparks
Baila Vorhand
Spirit and Sparks
Baila Vorhand
Spirit and Sparks
Baila Vorhand
Spirit and Sparks
Baila Vorhand
Spirit and Sparks
Baila Vorhand
Works of Art
“Maybe we’ll do it your way in the end, but if someone else has a different idea, they’re allowed to say it!”
Zivia Reischer
Works of Art
She looked down at the canvas, moving it in the moonlight until she could see the image it held
Malka Winner
Quick Q
I didn't connect. What's blocking my tefillos?   Alight Whoever trusts in Rabi Shimon bar Yochai can draw chizuk from Rabi Shimon bar Yochai. Just as HaKadosh Baruch Hu is [available] for everyone, so is Rabi Shimon bar Yochai for everyone, even the lowly. (Beis Aharon) There’s no sacred site, aside from the Kosel, which
Quick Q
What happened to a trusted sibling or friend?
A Gift Passed Along
And that was it. Zeide was forced to simply step over the body and keep marching without pause
Adina Stilerman
A Gift Passed Along
“You, my friend, should be walking around with a camera all day”
Nachman Hellman
Family Connections
Whether a three-year-old or 60-year-old is experiencing panicky feelings, the steps to recovery will be similar
Sarah Chana Radcliffe
Family Connections
She no longer viewed you as a person made b’tzelem Elokim, let alone a parent
Sarah Chana Radcliffe
From A to Z
“You're my teacher?” she asked, incredulous. I took her little hand in mine
Rikki Baum
From A to Z
“Why,” I demand, “do I have to go to stupid graduation?”
Rikki Baum
More Spirit and Sparks
Spirit and Sparks

As leaves sprout and flowers bud, we choose renewal

By Baila Vorhand

Spirit and Sparks

Esther is the guide for the feminine rising in kedushah

By Baila Vorhand

Spirit and Sparks

Making feeling joyful a priority

By Family First Contributors

Spirit and Sparks

Through overcoming the challenge of living in the dark, we bring Mashiach

By Baila Vorhand

Spirit and Sparks

Step-by-step guide to developing yiras Shamayim and ahavas Hashem

By Baila Vorhand

Spirit and Sparks

Tishah B’Av is the Yom Tov of the shattered person, one with a lofty, unique soul

By Baila Vorhand