
Avraham Fried Favorites: Ribon Haolamim Yadati

When he was a kid, Avremel Friedman went public as a child soloist on several albums — but while the light of most child stars dims as their voices change, Avraham Fried’s only became brighter. Ten years later, his 1981 debut album, No Jew Will Be Left Behind, turned into the beginning of a nearly four-decade stretch, as listeners connected to his niggunim of the neshamah. Through hundreds of songs and dozens of albums, we’ve sung and swayed, danced and prayed. And now we’ve asked our readers:

Which one of Avraham Fried’s songs has touched your life?


“Ribon Haolamim Yadati”  (Bring the House Down, 2016)

When I was on the way to Boston with my then six-month-old daughter who was scheduled for surgery the next day, the song “Ribon Haolamim” made me feel so calm. It made me realize that we’re all in Hashem’s hands. We have no control over anything that happens and we just need to put our trust in Him.

Avremel’s Take

Now here’s a song that I loved the first time I heard it. That rarely happens. The words, the message, and the melody, were so gripping and uplifting. When I took it from Rabbi Pinchas Breyer, I knew it would be a hit, but I didn’t expect young and old, frum and not frum, to connect to it. I’ve been told by many people that this song has gotten them through very tough times. We are in Good Hands.

(Originally featured in Mishpacha, Issue 791)

Ribon HaOlamim Yadati
Avraham Fried
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